Archivo de la etiqueta: Estados Unidos

Ruedas y el enigma del Campamento MT ya a la venta en Estados Unidos

¡Atención pequeños y pequeñas detectives! Ruedas y el enigma del Campamento MT ya está a la venta en USA.

Hace algunos meses que en España ya habíamos publicado el libro pero, para que no tengáis que cruzar el charco para descubrir los enigmas y las aventuras que hay en él, que con este tiempo el agua está muy fria, nuestros amigos de Santillana lo han publicado en USA.

Os dejamos el flyer que Santillana USA está repartiendo donde podréis encontrar toda la información e, incluso, ¡podéis leer el primer capítulo del libro!


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Ruedas y el enigma del Campamento MT

(Ruedas and the Mystery of Camp MT)

Guillermo Fesser

ISBN: 9781631132483
Grades: 3-8 GRL: V
200pp – PB – $19.99

BISAC: JUVENILE FICTION / Mysteries & Detective Stories – Social Issues / Special Needs – Humorous Stories – Sports & Recreation / Camping & Outdoor Activities

Mrs. Patrocinio’s father never told her if he loved her or not. But instead, he left her a mysterious paper on which the answer was written: a mystery that “La Patro” has never been able to decipher. In desperation. she asks for help from Detective Calzeta and his young assistant, Ruedas. The result is a difficult case, which will lead you to spend a summer full of heart-stopping adventures with them on the mountain.

About the Author

Spanish journalist Guillermo Fesser is konwn in his country for his humorous but compassionate news reporting. His literary work for children focuses on character education and teaching concepts and values through humor and word play. His books have a technology component that engages today’s kids and helps teachers and parents instill a love for reading. Fesser lives in New York and is the co-founder of the nonprofit Gomaespuma Foundation, dedicated to faciliting access to education for children in developing countries.


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